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Everything You Need to Know About Selling EBooks on EBay

Selling EBooks on EBay is one of the easiest ways to make a profit. So many sellers start off their EBay career by offering informational products such as EBooks because they are so cheap to list and to sell. Even though the rules have changed slightly regarding how EBooks and other information products can be sold on the site, it is still one of the cheapest businesses that you can set up!

However as profitable as it can be, selling EBooks on EBay does require a little work if you want to be successful. There are certain factors that you need to consider in order to make it work.

What you should know

If you learn nothing else from this article, ensure that you keep this in mind - you need to make your EBook listing as different as possible from all other listings. Just think, you are offering a product which many other sellers are also offering. It is more than likely that other sellers will be offering the EBooks at ridiculously low prices too, especially if it is not their main business.

By selling EBooks really cheap, sellers get to make a little profit while boosting their selling reputation. It is one of the easiest ways to boost your reputation by offering something that is easy to find, cheap to sell and that takes up hardly any shipping costs. So if you plan to make a good living from selling EBooks on EBay then you need to think of a way to make your listing more appealing to potential buyers.

One way in which you can do this is to literally make your listing unique. If you are selling the same EBook as hundreds of other sellers then throw in something extra to make your product unique. This could be absolutely anything (though obviously you should make it relevant to the listing!). If you are offering a recipe book for example, why not throw in a few additional recipes or tips that the buyer will find useful? Basically anything useful that makes your listing more unique than what other sellers are offering will work well and you will earn more profit that way too.

Overall there are hundreds of sellers who resort to selling EBooks just to boost their reputation. For genuine sellers it can be hard to keep up with such competitors but it is not impossible! Just remember to follow EBay's new rules which state that you must offer all information products including EBooks, on s DVD or CD that is sent through the post to the buyer. You can no longer digitally send EBooks online. If you do then your listing will be taken down and your EBay business could be closed down.



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