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Tips For Selling Your Antiques Online

Do you have an antique item or even several antique items that you feel are worth a significant amount of money:? It may be something you inherited or something you bought many years ago. If you have thought of selling these valuable items, it may be easier to do than you think.

Selling your antiques online is relatively simple. There are two basic ways of selling antiques online. One way is to set up your own website or a simple web page. Or you can use an auction site such as eBay.

Selling from your own web site

If you have a number of antiques you wish to sell, you can set up a web site or just a simple web page with a domain name for just a few dollars a month. The first thing you should do is to take photographs that show good detail of each antique piece you wish to sell. You should describe the facts about that piece, such as estimated age, value, place of origin, etc. You should also include shipping costs, handling costs, an email address and/or phone number for potential customers to reach you concerning questions or issues.

Once your web page is set up, you need to draw some traffic to it. You can connect with popular search engines such as yahoo and Google. You can also advertise locally, by placing fliers throughout your neighborhood or placing messages on online message boards concerning antiques.

Selling on auction sites

If you consider selling some of your antiques on auction sites such as eBay, you should do a little research first. Check out how similar items are being sold. If you see items that are similar to yours, take note of the price. You may want to offer a competitive price. You should also display good detailed photos of your items. In your description of the item, try to make your item sound special. Online auction sites can be very competitive in that they can be saturated with many items that are similar, so try to find a way to make your item sound unique.

Ebay is one of the most popular online auction sites. However, it is not the only one. You should investigate other auction sites and decide which one might be best for you. Whichever site you decide to use, be sure you understand all the rules and regulations that go along with the site. Also make sure you understand the percentages that the site will take from any sales you make.

Whether you decide to use an auction site or set up your own Web site, you may be able to make more money than you think. With just a little strategy and planning you can turn your antiques into cash.


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